Title - Start Here

Jul 20, 2021

I’m K, a pretty typical gal who was just recently told by a dear friend that I’m in midlife. I was shocked. Then I looked around at my daughters (9 and 6), my husband (of more years than I can easily recall), and my accomplishments (not as many as I’d like) and found myself wondering if this is all that I am. It’s certainly not all I intended to be.

All this internal turmoil seemed pretty typical for this season in life, but then the pandemic hit and those inside voices just got louder and more unruly.

Much of what had provided external distraction and gratification disappeared suddenly, and what was left was filled with roles neither requested nor applied. Plus the prolonged isolation, relentless worry, and still raw grief combined into quite the storm of poo, if you will.

I took to writing, my one semi-creative talent, to start trying to make sense of life – the one built and the one imagined.

Might there be a way to better align them both?
Might there be a way to still be the young me with passion and purpose, while having to be the middle aged me continually clad in sweats and nearly feral? Might there be a way to take the hurt and loneliness, the wondering and the hope, the responsibilities and the roles and create a little more meaning throughout these relentless days?

So, I suppose I am a human, looking to create a space of beauty and joy, of laughter and consideration, of creativity and curiosity. I am a daughter grieving, who is riddled with the anxiety of my own mortality, who is desperate to leave a meaningful story behind for my girls, in case of my own untimely departure. I am a woman, who is also a mom and wife, friend and fool looking to connect with others who can help me make my days a little less chaotic, while bringing a little more joy.

If this sounds at all like who you are or who you want to be, I hope you will join. If we’re lucky, it will all make sense in the end — much like the journey of life.


A space solely for the sake of connectedness and curiosity, consideration and compassion. A base of ideas for a guilty pleasure, a deep consideration, or an intriguing piece of art. A place of beauty and uplift that makes the day just a little more meaningful and ideally, pleasant.



As often as I am able, but if I had my way, this will be a place to visit for a beautiful image and ideas for integrating exercise into a too full day. It will host new pieces on podcasts and audiobooks that take the edge o the ceaseless chores and cooking. It will be a place where for 15 minutes, you are the center of far o dreams and big ideas.


Right here, at ExOr, but also in an evolving way on Instagram and Facebook, YouTube for fitness playlists and Pinterest for that quick hit of creativity. If you find this idea interesting, please join today, I promise not to bombard you, because seriously, who’s got time for that.


By carving out 15 minutes of an already hectic day to engage with ideas and inspiration that remind the soul of its depth and value. By creating a little space during these incessant days to imagine and ignite a passion that may have gotten lost in the mundanity of everyday life. By making the choice to see a full self anew.

updated – 7/21/21

  • Because life is finite and certainly not guaranteed.
  • Because I want to find a way to use my talents and create something beautiful and bold that I can contribute with pride.
  • Because I have great anxieties and it helps when I ask to be granted – 

The serenity to accept the things I cannot change, 

The courage to change the things I can, and 

The wisdom to know the difference. 

  • Because it makes me think of my mom and offer her so much grace, especially in her absence.
  • Because that in turn makes me think of my dad, and how desperately I wish I could ask him a thousand questions about his life and ours as a family that now go untold, especially in his absence.
  • Because my grief has manifested in this uncanny concern about my demise and not leaving enough of myself behind for my girls.
  • Because capturing and collating my deepest and most benign parts, would be something especially profound, which could continue my tidbits and tales, especially in my absence.
  • Because that is the only part of this life equation that is within my control, so I now all I need is wisdom and courage to reach that elusive serenity for which I am aiming.
  • Because when I stop and take 15 minutes to just write or breathe or go outside and look at the sky or I just sit on the ground to stretch or read a book or connect with my girls, I feel better.
  • Because when I take the time to jot down little stories about myself and memories and life lessons and hopes and regrets and pieces of me, I feel better.
  • Because when I use talents fashions and parts of myself that have been hidden away, I feel better.
  • Because when I consider and challenge, create and celebrate, I feel better.
  • Because it feels nice to believe in myself again.
  • Because it feels nice to be remembered and seen and valued. And it feels good to go back and remember sometimes.
  • Because it feels good to go through life looking for grace and gratitude, beauty and humor, meaning and mundane.
  • Because in spite of the very heavy and mundane parts of my modern, midlife, mama life, there is still plenty of extraordinary within the ordinary.
  • Because I want desperately to be able to remember those little moments I’m so many others throughout my life and into the future but I just can’t seem to make it happen.
  • Because I want to make it happen and if I do there’s probably some other folks out there who do too perhaps we could try it together.
  • Because, who knows, it could be fun.

Start here if you are looking to consider some why within yourself.


  • Because, why not.
  • Because I’m terrified, and also because it’s all I’ve thought about for some time now.
  • Because I want my story to be captured and left behind in case I’m not able to share it myself.
  • Because in the thick of this covid chaos, I’ve found it hard to find joy and meaning in the endless chores and isolation, the constant togetherness with those I hold tightest, and the boredom and loneliness of it all.
  • Because I’m an over-educated domestic engineer, who is without gainful employment for the first time since I was 13, and I am finding that I enjoy it and feel all kinds of conflict with it.
  • Because I’m an enthusiastic public school PTA mom, who is unexpectedly homeschooling a 3rd and 1st grader, and now wonder what we can do better to engage and educate and build equity for all. Because education is the great equalizer, especially in the midst of such upheaval.
  • Because I’m a woman and a wife who wants some sliver of that fervor and fascination that was felt so early on, when life felt complicated but was so much simpler.
  • Because I am a white woman, and while I’ve taken some ugly hits throughout life, I experience privilege, simply because of my outsides, and I am grappling with that.
  • Because I get lost in ideas of grief and loss, hope and transformation, and I get inspired by others who have hurt and healed. I want to ponder with others who’ve been rocked in these ways.
  • Because I read and listen and wonder and imagine what could be, and I want to learn from others who have their own wanders through life’s biggest questions.
  • Because I’m halfway through life, and I know that it will go really fast, so I want to think about how to make what’s left simple and rich and as peaceful as I am able.
  • Because I’m a group fitness instructor, of too long to admit, and I miss the connection of shouting at a group of dear ones, over music that makes you feel and focus and find space.
  • Because I’ve never found a profession that fits, but I’ve tried and done ok at a hundred of them, so now I want to see how all the dabbling brings together my pieces and parts.
  • Because I want to feel inspiration and passion, and creativity is an outlet to explore such needs.
  • Because I want to write and try something that could possibly fail epically.
  • Because life is frail and finite, so I’m willing to try exploring my why, in a way that might inspire another to try too. Maybe together this boldness will make even the most mundane part’s of life more meaningful – one choice at a time.
So that’s my evolving list of why I want to spend 15 minutes making the ordinary more extraordinary, what’s yours?
Consider Why

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Please Pause

Sometimes taking a minute for yourself can bring up uncomfortable sensations and difficult emotions. If you find yourself in any discomfort – please reach out – to dear one, to a professional, to me.

I am not a mental health professional, by any means, but I have one myself and have compiled a Resource Library of Mental Health Matters. It may feel like it, but you are not alone and you deserve to heal hurts.

Thank You