Creating a Practice of Health – one choice at a time

Creating a Practice of Health- 

one choice at a time

Hello Again,

If you are ready to Start Here, with me, today – thank you. That you would share some of your precious time and finite energy with me is received with much grace.

There are all kinds of products and pressures telling us we should exercise more, eat healthier, reduce our stress, and sleep deeper, and yet, you know, life.

I get that! That’s why BBB by ExOr is tool-oriented and full of celebration.

It still asks for a bit of space in your hectic day, and then, it leaves you with a speedy and sustainable movement playlist, or a healthy and quick’ish meal idea, or a prompt to pause and practice relentless self care.

Like all of Extraordinary the Ordinary, BBB acknowledges that health and wholeness is complicated and somewhat out of our control. It recognizes that systems and structures make life and intentional living difficult. And it celebrates creating a practice – one choice at a time.

So why BBB? Why now?

Well, good question…

I suppose, I’ve been gathering experience and training in health and medical care since my youth. Now here I am a married, midlife, mama deep into wondering how to fit all that I know I should be doing into an already very busy life. Add in some grief, some existential wonderings, and a global pandemic and boom… Burn. Build. Balance.

If you too are getting started again or simply want something rooted in science and grace, then welcome, I hope you enjoy this evolving creation.

No matter what you choose, thank you for spending some of your precious time and finite energy with me. It is a gift.

5Ws, 1H

If you want quick and dirty on me the instructor, watch my Welcome.

Or maybe you want to pause and practice 15 minutes by considering your 5Ws, 1H.

Or perhaps you are just curious, and just want to Join ExOr and explore. I celebrate and cherish that too.


Assess. Practice. Reflect

Blame it on my time as a nurse, but I’m a big fan of the ADPIE process. First, assess, diagnosis a problem, goal, or curiosity, then plan and implement, and finally, evaluate and apply the lessons to the next phase of development.

As fun as it is to start a health program and measure progress simply by feeling better, perhaps it would be fun to perform a self assessment, with a hint of medical professional evaluation too.

If that sounds appealing, then consider supporting ExOr on Etsy with a Factors of Health and/or Personal Health tool.

Factors of Health - Assessment

Might you want to learn more about how public health influences our personal health.

How policies and built environments and our history – inside and out – impacts our health with our choices.

Personal Health - Assessment

Perhaps you are ready to start the practice of relentless self care in the form of movement, and you also want to follow your progress and impact.

Start Here with a guided assessment of your personal health.

Burn. Build. Balance.

If this sparks any curiosity, I hope you’ll try one of the Burn. Build. Balance. playlists on YouTube. 

Full Disclosure: These videos are not perfect. I’m clearly a novice at so many of the technical skills required to have a really sharp product. And yet, I am trying to focus on progress instead of perfection.

If you do spend your precious time and finite energy moving with me, I would be most grateful if you would leave me a comment. I really am trying to get better over time.

If you are real excited but hesitant because this is a new practice or you’re a little rusty, then celebrate! Making the space to practice relentless self care in the form of movement is a brave intention, let’s Start Here, together. 

I suggest getting to know my style and philosophy a little better through my intro video.

If that gets you ready to move, try any of the Start Here tracts, created to provide fundamental and functional alignment and execution coaching. At the very least, there will be some good jams to enjoy. 

ExOr Etsy Shop

Please remember, each of us is unique – shaped by complex factors of health – many of which we cannot change. The Burn. Build. Balance. movement practice is aimed to support the parts of personal health choices we can control.

Balance Playlists


Burn Playlists
Balance Playlists

Support ExOr

If you have made it to the end of this – THANK YOU!  That you are still here with me is not taken for granted.

Perhaps you are still here because you are connecting with its vibe and intention. In that case, I’d like to invite you to visit the ExOr Etsy store, which houses a variety of products intended to support the practice of relentless self care – Extraordinary the Ordinary style.

And just in case you find benefit from any of this and want to support this midlife mama as she tries to create, I’ve shamelessly offered my venmo button.

Please know that just spending your precious time and finite energy with me in an capacity is plenty enough.