Title - Consider

There is this part of me that loves the idea of pausing to consider.

When this act of self care is relentlessly practiced, there are all kinds of layers that can be uncovered.

If you too are looking for pieces & practices that make relentless self care simple, speedy, and sustainable – I hope you will Start Here.

See what happens when you pause to consider, and then jot it down.

Practice Pause: Taking a minute for yourself can make the space for disconcerting sensations, if you find yourself in any discomfort, please reach out – to dear one, to a professional, to me.

By no means am I a mental health professional, but I have one myself and have used what I’ve learned to compile a Resource Library of Mental Health Matters.

It may feel like it, but you are not alone and you deserve to heal hurts. Start today with some self care – if you are able.

Newest Pieces

Modern, Married, Midlife, Mama

Since I was 14, I've been hustling in some form or fashion. Jobs, school, internships, some such combination of it all. It feels strange to say that I have been an informally employed mama since late 2018. Nearly four years without work outside the home. Now don't get...


Yesterday was glorious. I focused a full day on ExOr. I moved, ate well, and power napped. I was mostly patient and present with my kids. Then, I got to go with a dear friend to see Brandi Carlile at Maymont, this urban gem in RVA, and it was magical. We opted to...

I’m Kristi, a pretty typical gal who was just recently told by a dear friend that I’m in midlife. I was shocked.

Then I looked around at my daughters (9 and 6), my husband (of more years than I can easily recall), and my accomplishments (not as many as I’d like) and found myself wondering if this is all that I am. It’s certainly not all I intended to be.

All this internal turmoil seemed pretty classic for this season in life, but then the pandemic hit and those inside voices just got louder and more unruly.

Podcasts for Folks that need Distraction

Podcast Playlists for Folks that need Distractions

Consider Why

TOOL - Consider Why

5Ws, 1H

TOOL - 5w, 1h

Newest Practices

Modern, Married, Midlife, Mama

Since I was 14, I've been hustling in some form or fashion. Jobs, school, internships, some such combination of it all. It feels strange to say that I have been an informally employed mama since late 2018. Nearly four years without work outside the home. Now don't get...


Yesterday was glorious. I focused a full day on ExOr. I moved, ate well, and power napped. I was mostly patient and present with my kids. Then, I got to go with a dear friend to see Brandi Carlile at Maymont, this urban gem in RVA, and it was magical. We opted to...

I’m Kristi, a pretty typical gal who was just recently told by a dear friend that I’m in midlife. I was shocked.

Then I looked around at my daughters (9 and 6), my husband (of more years than I can easily recall), and my accomplishments (not as many as I’d like) and found myself wondering if this is all that I am. It’s certainly not all I intended to be.

All this internal turmoil seemed pretty classic for this season in life, but then the pandemic hit and those inside voices just got louder and more unruly.

Thank You