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Newest Pieces & Practices

Thanks & Giving

The holidays are bittersweet. I enjoy the time with our family, the traditions, and the dip into nostalgia, and I also begrudge the expectations, the relentless pressure, and the sense that no matter what we do, there is still so much missing. Not things, please know....

Modern, Married, Midlife, Mama

Since I was 14, I've been hustling in some form or fashion. Jobs, school, internships, some such combination of it all. It feels strange to say that I have been an informally employed mama since late 2018. Nearly four years without work outside the home. Now don't get...

Podcast Playlists

I hope you’re here because you are looking for an incredible playlist of podcasts to enjoy while doing relentless chores or running, feeling depressed or a little high. This is an evolving playlist for the curious, the contemplative, and the brave. This is a playlist...

15 Minute Relentless Self Care Practices

Support ExOr

If you have made it to the end of this invite – THANK YOU! –  that you are still here with me is not taken for granted.

Perhaps you are still here because you are connecting with the vibe or maybe even the intention. In that case, I’d like to invite you to visit the ExOr Etsy store, which contains a variety of products intended to support the practice of relentless self care – Extraordinary the Ordinary style.

And just in case you find benefit from any of this and want to support this midlife mama as she creates, I’ve shamelessly offered my venmo button. 

Please know that just spending your precious time and finite energy with me in an capacity is plenty enough, and I’m most grateful.

ExOr Etsy Shop
ExOr Etsy Shop

If any of this has been useful or intriguing, I’d be most grateful if you would connect with ExOr.