Title Celebrate

Celebrate the MomentBecause life is so full of roles and responsibilities, I think it extra important to pause and celebrate. 

There are those extraordinary events of accomplishment or occasion, and also those ordinary moments when we didn’t yell, or retreat, when we did something hard or gracefully said no thanks. 

To acknowledge and really embrace the meaning in the most mundane is the most relentless form of self care, and here that is worthy of celebration.

joy and hope and accomplishment are adequately acknowledged. That is pretty special.

I hope you will find these pieces & practices make the relentless practice of self care simple, speedy, and sustainable.


Practice Pause: Taking a minute for yourself can make the space for disconcerting sensations, if you find yourself in any discomfort, please reach out – to dear one, to a professional, to me.

By no means am I a mental health professional, but I have one myself and have used what I’ve learned to compile a Resource Library of Mental Health Matters.

It may feel like it, but you are not alone and you deserve to heal hurts. Start today with some self care – if you are able.

Fall Transitions

Tool: Summer Memories

Celebrate All Varieties of Dads


Celebrate Mamas


Pieces & Practices

Thanks & Giving

The holidays are bittersweet. I enjoy the time with our family, the traditions, and the dip into nostalgia, and I also begrudge the expectations, the relentless pressure, and the sense that no matter what we do, there is still so much missing. Not things, please know....

To Be 43

Birthdays are hard. I can't help but feel all that's gone, and still, there's plenty good remaining. To be 43 is to see that meaning. If you've been in the ExOr space, you've likely deduced that I get overwhelmed, stuck, and stymied by being a modern, midlife,...

Fall Transitions

It's that time of year again. Summer is rapidly concluding and the school year, with all its possibilities, is directly ahead. It's a time that always makes me nostalgic, reflective, maybe even a touch sad.  These girls of ours are growing up - quickly and subtly. Our...
Thank You